Why is blue light good for you in the morning?
Energize Your Morning: Morning blue light wakes you up, making you feel more alert by boosting serotonin, the “feel-good” hormone.
Resets Your Body Clock: Blue light in the morning helps set your body’s internal clock, making it easier to wake up and stay active during the day, leading to better sleep at night.
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The Jack-In-The-Box emits a combination of blue (365nm), red (630/660nm), and near-infrared (850nm) light, giving you a wide spectrum of healthy light to add to your room.
The Jack-In-The-Box emits blue light, which helps your body to make your "happy chemical", serotonin.
Serotonin also serves as a precursor to your sleep hormone , melatonin, at night time.
Blue (balanced with red and infrared) light means a better mood during the day, and better sleep at night.
While the Jack-In-The-Box does produce red and near-infrared light, it has an extra frequency of light... blue (395nm) - the type of light which your body needs to make your 'happy chemical' - serotonin.
Serotonin is known to boost your energy and mood during the day, it is also the precursor to your sleep hormone, melatonin.
Our customers have reported both better energy during the day, and sleep at night, after using the Jack-In-The-Box.
Since the Jack-In-The-Box emits a type of light that is only present during the day time, it's important that users don't use it after sunset (it's designed to make you feel alert!).
We only sell it once per year so that we can make sure that users are always informed of this properly, so everyone gets the best results.