Red Light Therapy - What You Need to Know

Red Light Therapy - What You Need to Know

red light therapy benefits

We love our red light therapy devices. And when the scientific backing is so good, how could you not? We know that there is a lot of hype around red light therapy, and if you’re still not convinced, this blog has everything you need to know. Here’s the run down..

Let us start riiiight at the beginning:

Red light therapy has been around for decades, and scientists have been researching and investigating it’s benefits for just as long. Red light therapy is the process of exposing areas of your body to light emitted from a lamp at a certain wavelength, that causes a series of reactions to almost every cell in your body. This a simple and non-invasive method of enhancing energy levels through ATP production, increasing blood flow, injury healing, soothe aching muscles, encourage hair growth and WAY more.

Energy from the lamp is captured in little packets of light, that are called photons. Different amounts of energy (photons) are emitted at different wavelengths of light. Our bodies also respond differently when exposed to different wavelengths, where experts have noted that 660 nanometers and 850 nanometers promote the greatest positive reactions within the body.

Let’s look into some benefits:

Boosting testosterone levels 

Testosterone is a hormone that is primarily known for the development of male characteristics, it is also produced in smaller quantities in females and contributes to their sex drive, bone density, and muscle strength. In the last few decades, testosterone levels have dropped by almost 30% on average in males. Light therapy has shown positive results!

A University of Vienna study found exciting results in a light therapy experiment on testosterone levels. They found that men exposed to bright light for just 30 minutes a day reported higher levels of sexual satisfaction and significantly higher levels of testosterone (an average increase from 2.1 ng/ml to 3.6 ng/ml after just two weeks).

Athletic recovery –

Energy captured within the light that is exposed to the skin stimulates the production of ATP. More ATP means more energy for our cells to function, which means more effective and efficiently run bodily functions. In our muscles specifically, we can find the highest concentration of mitochondria in the body.

This means that they are particularly stimulated and receptive to red light exposure. As an additional bonus, red light is able to release the lipids contained within fat cells which provides even more energy for improved athletic performance. Through red light exposure, inflammation is reduced by increased blood flow to muscles bringing fresh and beneficial nutrients and antioxidants to required areas of the body.

Hair Growth – 

For decades, there have been countless remedies that promise to restore thinning and balding heads, often with little success. From drugs to surgical treatment, to tattoos and hair weaving.

Clinical studies have shown that red light therapy is able to:

  • Keep hair follicles in the anagen (growth) phase for extended periods of time. This has been linked to the stimulation of the mitochondria within stem cells in hair follicles.
  • Reduce inflammation in the body – where high levels have been linked to female pattern baldness.
  • Encourage blood flow to an area (the scalp in this case), resulting in easier oxygen access by the mitochondria in the hair follicles. More oxygen means better functioning mitochondria, and this results in a greater anti-inflammatory effect.

 Immune System Boosting –

Clinical studies have shown that red light therapy is able to:

  • Keep hair follicles in the anagen (growth) phase for extended periods of time. This has been linked to the stimulation of the mitochondria within stem cells in hair follicles.
  • Reduce inflammation in the body – where high levels have been linked to female pattern baldness.
  • Encourage blood flow to an area (the scalp in this case), resulting in easier oxygen access by the mitochondria in the hair follicles. More oxygen means better functioning mitochondria, and this results in a greater anti-inflammatory effect.

 And these are just skimming the surface of the amazing benefits that red light therapy has. Providing your body with all the tools it requires to function well will ultimately ensure your body will function the way you want it to. You've got nothing to lose!

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Written By: Caroline Bursey